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Hall: N1 - N13 Stand: L462
  • | Governance & Compliance
  • | Infrastructure
  • | Inspection & Testing
  • | DevOps Resource Management
  • | Data Management
  • | Testing/Monitoring

The Tonic platform gets engineering teams rapid access to data – when they need it, where they need it. From generating realistic test data that mimics what you have in production, to subsetting datasets down from PBs to GBs, to spinning up ephemeral databases, our suite of products hydrates your environments with the quality data you need. We work with structured data, semi-structured data like NoSQL, and even free-text, like PDF or Word docs. Deploy Tonic self-hosted or work with your data on Tonic cloud. Whether you're building software or building LLMs on free-text, head over to Tonic.ai to learn more about getting quality data for your developers today.


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San Francisco
United States
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