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AWS Healthcare Cloud Services

ZenBit Tech Stand: L70
AWS Healthcare Cloud Services

AWS Tools for Security and Compliance




  • AWS & FedRAMP);
  • HIPAA and HITECH Compliance.


  • Identity and Access Managment (IAM);
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC));
  • AMAZON Transcribe Mediacal (ASR) service;
  • Amazon HealthLake;
  • Transform healthcare data into the FHIR format;
  • AWS Health Dashboard.

DPO as a Sevice

  • Data Protection Officer is a knowledgeable professional, who can improve information security and compliance, like GDPR or HIPPA
  • Our specialist have proven methodologies for implementing effective privacy frameworks and deep data protection expertise;
  • Get your benefits from our cost-effective outsourcing service.

DevOps as a Service

  • You can choose an appropriate development team where we achieve all of your needs based on Cloud.
  • Our cloud & web security developers provide high-level, totally unique solutions.
  • Select the SLA level you require based on the level of risk you are willing to accept.

AWS Healthcare Cloud Technologies we use

  • AWS HealthLake
  • AWS Comprehend Medical
  • Amazon Transcribe Medical
  • AWS IoT for Healthcare
  • AWS Fargate for EKS
  • AWS Data Exchange for Healthcare
  • AWS cognito

You might be interested in these options:

Web app development Consulting
If you already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem, require hybrid cloud solutions, or want to leverage AI and machine learning services then this is a perfect choice for you.

Custom Web app development
Our team can manage high-performance computing resources for you if you need to leverage innovative technologies or optimize for machine learning and data analytics workloads.


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