DevOps 2024

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DevSecOps in Action: Achieving Continuous Compliance with GitLab

06 Mar 2024
DevOps Live Keynote Theatre

Join Dominique Top, DevSecOps enthusiast, and Solutions Architect at GitLab, for a dive into the world of DevSecOps and staying compliant without slowing down innovation. Dominique shares practical tips and tricks, showing how the One Platform approach with GitLab makes security a seamless part of your development process. Get ready to see how embracing DevSecOps can turbocharge your team's productivity while keeping your software safe and compliant.

  • Shift Left Security: Discover how GitLab enables teams to embed security measures earlier in the development process, empowering developers to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they get pushed to production

  • Security Beyond Scans: Explore how to leverage Gitlab’s comprehensive suite of security & Compliance features that promote proactive threat detection, risk management, and vulnerability remediation.

  • Collaboration is Key: Learn how GitLab facilitates collaboration between development, security, and operations teams, breaking down silos and fostering a culture of shared responsibility for security and compliance across the organisation.

Dominique Top, Solutions Architect - GitLab

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