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Marcelo Sousa Ancelmo

Marcelo Sousa Ancelmo

Head of Solution Architecture, KPMG SWITZERLAND
Marcelo S. Ancelmo has 22 years (and counting) of IT experience and has done a bit (or would it be a byte) of everything. A good old-fashioned troublemaker, he started his professional career as a Java programmer, played a lot of the architecture game (which he still does today), worked into middleware (and do not regret it), built some great teams, and did infrastructure and operations work. He did some consultancy, delivered a lot of training, has been a mentor, and spoke at conferences. He is deeply engaged with the software community, joining Meetups everywhere he goes, teaming up with JUGs, helping organize events when he has spare time, and participating in working groups and committees. Currently, he is the Head of Solution Architecture at KPMG Switzerland, helping the company drive its DevOps transformation, still learning everything possible and enjoying all the bumps that come with it.

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